Sunday 21 October 2012

How to grow sustainably!

Virgin Soil! 

21st Century Learning

Allotments are fun and productive for the family table. Anybody that has talked to a new owner of an allotment will be aware of the almost evangelical gleam in their in their eye when they first describe their new "hobby".  

As the season progresses and the battle with slugs, cats, passers by sampling "free" produce and the inevitable failure of crops, a sense of man or woman against the world can develop.  Other days the first blossom of runner bean or first harvest of spinach or kale brings a high of achievement.
All allotment holders benefit from the camaraderie and competition of their neighbours.  The bigger the generational gap the greater the flow of information.  Men or persons with sheds in action.  As the knowledge increases through the season plans are formulated of what to grow the following season.  A plethora of books exist (I will put a list of books that I have read and referred to later in a blog) to start peruse during the coming winter months.  Various TV programmes will appear over the coming months giving rise to dark day enthusiasms.  Online courses are now also available.

A rise of courses  being offered online for free provides another avenue for information and personal satisfaction.  Sustainability being the watchword of most allotment systems no matter how big.  A course that may be of interest is Introduction to Growing Organic Food Sustainably provided by ALISON.COM.  A series of modules that is estimated to take in total 2 to 3 hours but you can dip in and out, and if so wish receive a certificate of participation on conclusion.  An unlike Farmville on FB this online interaction can provide real, edible produce! 

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